October Newsletter 2019
Welcome to the October issue of my monthly newsletter! This month’s edition looks at same-lender renewal rates and improving your credit score. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback regarding anything outlined below. Thanks again for your continued support and referrals! Mortgage Renewals with the same ...
September Newsletter 2019
Welcome to the September issue of my monthly newsletter! This month’s edition looks at 6 things any co-signor should consider and how mortgage brokers can help you at any stage in your life. I would love to hear back from you if you have any questions or feedback regarding anything ...
August Newsletter 2019
Welcome to the August issue of my monthly newsletter! This month’s edition looks at 4 costs to consider as a first-time homebuyer and the mortgage default rate in Canada. I would love to hear back from you if you have any questions or feedback regarding anything outlined below. Thanks again ...
Canadians continue to purchase US property
Canadians continue to purchase US property and be among the major buyers of residential real estate in the United States. In fact, Canadians bought as many homes south of the border as the Chinese. But typically at a lower price point. That meant that while Chinese buyers bought U$13.4 billion ...
July Newsletter 2019
Welcome to the July issue of my monthly newsletter! This month’s edition offers 5 tips to affording a home and the importance of a home inspection. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback regarding anything outlined below. Thanks again for your continued support and referrals! 5 ...
Mortgage Penalties and Early Exit
CAUTION: MORTGAGE PENALTIES AND EARLY EXIT Okay, so you have a mortgage. Maybe you want to exit early and you don't understand your mortgage penalties. Let’s face it, it’s a contract with terms, conditions, rights and obligations for both you and the lender. However, now for whatever reason, you need ...
June Newsletter 2019
Welcome to the June issue of my monthly newsletter! This month’s edition looks at three steps to take you from pre-approval to homeowner and homeownership Vs renting. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback regarding anything outlined below. Thanks again for your continued support and referrals! ...
Ten obstacles to getting the best mortgage rate
Anyone with a mortgage wants the lowest possible rate. But there’s an array of requirements for snagging the best all-around deal, and some of them are counter-intuitive. Once people have chosen the term and rate type for their mortgage, they often find that rates for that same term can vary ...
Important resources for you: